TIEC, Red Bell Run, and Fleet Of Angels Partner to Operate a Distribution Center for People and Animals

(Mill Spring, NC) When Hurricane Helene struck, changed our entire landscape, and devastated the lives of the people and animals who live here and love these mountains, Mary Adams, owner of the Sanctuary at Red Bell Run in Columbus, NC, received a call from Elaine Nash, the Director of Fleet of Angels, a nationwide organization that assists equines and their owners suffering from disasters. Fleet of Angels and their network of volunteers and donors wanted to help. Mary and her staff at Red Bell Run were asked to manage the logistics of incoming donations and get them out to people and animals in need. A large space would be needed to store the supplies, feed and hay that would be required for such a huge undertaking. Mary reached out to Sharon Decker at Tryon International Equestrian Center for help. Tryon International immediately offered the use of their indoor arena, a perfect space for the purpose, and the outpouring of help began. TIEC operated a very successful donation drive for people at the front of the indoor arena. Red Bell Run and Fleet of Angels began the process of assisting animals and their people at the back.

Since the day after Hurricane Helene, Mary Adams has spent her time almost exclusively at the distribution center at Tryon International managing the donations and supplies, while her devoted staff cares for the equines at the Sanctuary. With the help of dedicated volunteers and the support of Fleet of Angels, donations were received, sorted and distributed to people and animals affected by Helene. Semi after semi, pickup trucks pulling trailers, huge horse vans, every type of vehicle imaginable, arrived filled with hay, feed, troughs, blankets, halters, medical supplies, fencing, and more, thanks to the Fleet of Angels network, several extremely generous private donors, and animal lovers from every part of the United States. Supplies arrived for every type of animal, but donations for people accompanied them, many items having hand-written notes of encouragement. Polk County Emergency Services, the NC Ag Department, a SURGE team of volunteers and the NC National Guard have all lent a helping hand to operate the distribution center and get supplies to people and animals needing them. Our community stepped up, and local volunteers came 7 days a week to make sure help was available.

Sharon Decker, President of Tryon Equestrian Partners, Carolinas Operations said, “The work that Mary Adams, Anita Williamson and an abundance of volunteers have done over these last six weeks is indescribable.  We are so thankful for Mary’s leadership and the willingness of so many that are ensuring no farmer goes without what is needed to maintain healthy animals, livestock and equines this winter.  Spring will come again and we will recover!  It is efforts like this, neighbor helping neighbor, friend helping friend that I pray will continue far beyond the immediate emergency”. 

Mary Adams noted, “The suffering is beyond imagining, but the empathy, generosity and kindness that has been so freely sent to Western North Carolina is truly uplifting. We will recover, and we will be stronger and more united, because of it.  Red Bell Run is thankful and honored to be a small part of this effort.”                      

FOA Director Elaine Nash stated that “Fleet of Angels’ mantra is ‘Teamwork works!’ In our 12 years of working in collaboration with others to provide emergency feed, supplies, and services for equines in crisis, we have never experienced a higher level of generosity of spirit, positivity, time, and commitment to the cause than we have with Mary Adams and Tryon International” 

The Distribution Hub at Tryon International will continue operating until November 15, 2024, but the need for support will continue for many months.  Donations of feed and supplies will still be needed as we are facing a very long winter, so The Sanctuary at Red Bell Run has committed to operate a Fleet of Angels hay bank, distributing hay, feed and livestock supplies to those needing assistance over the winter.  If you or someone you know is in need, call Red Bell Run at 828-863-2017.

Hay and other animal-related supplies can be shipped or delivered directly to Red Bell Run. Please call ahead (828-863-2017), check the Red Bell Run Facebook page, or email (Sanctuary@RedBellRun.org) to get the current ‘wish list’ before sending or bringing donations of goods. Monetary donations for this hurricane relief effort can be made online at FleetOfAngels.org or to RedBellRun.org, designating ‘NC hay bank.’ Red Bell Run Foundation, Inc. accepts checks at the address below. Hours of operation for the hay bank which will be at Red Bell Run after Nov. 15, will be announced and available online at RedBellRun.org. and Red Bell Run’s Facebook page.  

Red Bell Run’s shipping address for donations/deliveries is: 319 Blackwood Road, Columbus, NC 28722
Regular mail/checks: 385 Blackwood Road, Columbus, NC 28722


Results: Tryon Fall Finale 1 


Results: Tryon Fall 6