Road to Pony Finals Spotlight: Grace Cashman

Rette Solomon for Tryon International

Grace Cashman, of Inman, SC, is qualified for USEF Pony Finals and will compete with Take The Edge Off, owned by the Oliver family, at the prestigious event in August. This will be Grace’s first trip to Pony Finals, and is under the guidance of Ameilia Nowicki at Hidden Valley Farm in Inman, SC. 

We had the opportunity to talk with Grace and Amelia about the journey to Pony Finals. 

Grace Cashman and Take The Edge Off
©SDH Photography


Q: Tell us about the pony you will be showing at Pony Finals. 

A: We got Stanley from the time he was rescued. He was $250. I met the people who own him, and they had a daughter going off to college, so they needed someone to ride him. They sent him to Amelia to be trained. Eventually, I started riding him.

Q: When did you qualify for Pony Finals?

A: I was here [at Tryon], I think in March. It was a really rainy weekend, it was pouring all weekend, but he was really good!

Q: How did it feel to qualify?

A: I was really excited, but I couldn't celebrate, I was so soaking wet and freezing. So I got in my car and turned up the heat, and I celebrated!

Grace Cashman and Take The Edge Off
Courtesy of Hidden Valley Farm

Q: How are you feeling about competing at Pony Finals?

A: I'm excited to show somewhere kind of new and farther away. He's never done anything like that before, so it’ll be fun.

Q: As you head into Pony Finals, what do you think your strengths are as a team? 

A: He’s really good on the flat. He has a nice, long trot. That's probably our biggest strength! And he's super smart, so he can pick up on things pretty quick.

Q: What goals are you looking to accomplish at Pony Finals? 

A: I just want to get over all the jumps and have a pretty round! It doesn’t have to be perfect.

Q: What have you enjoyed most about the experience of competing at Tryon?

A: I like that everything's really organized. You can see online when you go, so I know when I need to come here when I'm up in the morning. And I love all the food!

Grace Cashman and Take The Edge Off
Courtesy of Hidden Valley Farm


Q: Tell us about Grace’s partnership with Take The Edge Off.

A: Grace and Stanley started together before I even met Stanley. [Grace] started working with him pretty quickly after he came out of the kill pen, and they just became a little duo. They have come such a far way. They started in the walk-trot, then moved into the walk-trot-canter, and then the cross rails and the short stirrup, then the children’s ponies. And now we've qualified for Pony Finals, which was our goal when we started all of this, for specifically Grace to qualify him, and for it to be her project with his owners, the Oliver family, supporting that.

They both have matching personalities for sure. They both love to horse show.

They have been really practicing hard and have come such a long way.

Q: How do you feel about coaching at this year’s Pony Finals?

A: I’m excited as well! I’m excited that we have friends from the area going that are also in the same boat as first timers. I think it will help with some of the girls’ nerves to have each other there. 

Grace Cashman and Take The Edge Off
©Natalie Suto Photography

Q: What do you feel this team’s biggest strengths are?

A: For sure the under saddle. He moves amazingly, and when he is at the top of his game, it's really hard to beat him in the under saddle. It’s really fun to watch!

I think another one of their strengths is that they go better in a bigger ring, which will be the case at Pony Finals. I think that will play to their advantage.

Q: How have you enjoyed the experience of competing at Tryon?

A: We love Tryon. I actually moved up here and bought my farm up here for Tryon, and the fact that we are fifteen minutes away is just awesome. Coming to be at such a nice facility regularly is great. We qualified [for Pony Finals] here. [Stanley] has done most of his shows here his entire life, and he's really comfortable here. The stalls are great! The fact that they have fans, and they're big, is just so nice, especially going into summer and not having to set up fans in all the stalls really makes a huge difference. Just the fact that it's so convenient to our farm is wonderful.

Grace Cashman and Take The Edge Off
Courtesy of Hidden Valley Farm

Stay tuned for updates on Grace and Take The Edge Off’s journey to Pony Finals! The pair will compete at Tryon’s Pony Spectacular, taking place July 4-9 during Tryon Summer 4. USEF Pony Finals is held at the Lexington Horse Park in Lexington, KY, from August 8-13. Be on the lookout for more spotlights on local young riders competing at Pony Finals!


Tryon Summer 3 Results:


Tryon Spring Series Circuit Champions